Monday 26 November 2012

The most popular searches on Google: The Google Instant effect

“Is Santa real?” is a question of immense importance to a great many people. In fact, it is the most popular question on Google Instant when you type “is” into the world’s most used search engine.

Google Instant uses an autocomplete algorithm to predict your search query, based on the most popular searches on Google. It is country specific. This means that when you search on, the predictions are based on the most popular searches by Irish users. By typing just one letter, Google begins to predict what your search will be about. By expediting the search process, Google is attempting to “rest your fingers,” according to their online explanation of the technology.

If we take the ten most used question-words, we can create a map of the issues and subjects which Irish people are looking for information about. This map can help us to understand what concerns or intrigues Irish people. The issue of Santa Claus is clearly one which children are eager to get the facts on.

The ten question words we most commonly use are: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, Is, Are, Do and Does. The autocomplete algorithm dispenses the ten most popular searches. The largest percentage of questions, at 11%, is based on film and TV queries. Questions about What Richard Did feature heavily, reflecting the very recent success of the home-grown film and its popularity as a talking point.

The second-most popular topic is technology and computers. Questions about IP addresses and Facebook Timeline are key topics.

Sex, sexual health and love comprise the third most popular search area, at 8%. The first prediction which appears after typing the word “does” is “does he love me?” Clearly this is a question which many people want to know. We’ve all wondered if the object of our affections feels similarly. One wonders if Google can provide an answer. The search, if pursued, leads to a variety of magazines which purport to recognise the signs of requitement.

There are two questions which arise in the “does” category which are indicators of Irish men’s sexual health concerns. Not one question about STD’s or testicular cancer make it onto the most popular searches. Instead, “Does jelqing work?” and “Does size matter?” are of the most interest to Irish Googlers. Both questions are intimately related to each other. While the later needs no explanation, the former probably does. “Jelqing” is a colloquial term for penis enlargement. If you cross-reference Google Instant Ireland with Google Instant UK, this question does not appear on the most popular list with our neighbours. What does this say about the respective country’s men? Do Irish men have an “inferiority” complex? Or, are British men more confident and carefree about such matters?

“Why is the sky blue?” is the most searched item beginning with “why”. Thousands of Irish people are apparently asking this question every day. Or was there simply a primary school project on this last week, thus distorting the statistics? Or, is this what people are searching during the office lunch break? Surely this question is not inspired from a quick glance out the window. “Why is it always raining?” seems more appropriate.

Google Instant excludes all searches related to pornography, hate and violence. As a result, perhaps we are not getting a truly accurate picture of Irish tastes. That aside, we do manage to get a flavour of the idiosyncrasies of the Irish mind. Statistically popular questions such as “Why am I so tired?”, “Do fish sleep?”, ”Are ghosts real?” and “Do eyelashes grow back?” gives us plenty to go on.

Is Santa real? I have Googled this, like thousands of others in this country, but to be honest, I have yet to find a concrete answer. Sometimes the internet can’t answer everything. 

The statistics in this article were correct as of mid-November 2012.